We continue to add new features to the site and the most recent one debuting today is the ability to now track your handicap online free! There are several online tools that allow that, however one of the cool features of GolfNorthCarolina.com’s handicap calculator is that it automatically will input the slope and course rating on all of the North Carolina golf courses for you. Additionally, when you begin entering a golf course, the programming will automatically prompt you as to whether you played from the championship, men’s, seniors or ladies tees. You can also track average putts, greens and fairways hit in regulation.
We asked our programmer to tweak the programming to allow for average scores even after our visitors input one round of golf, and it will do just that. Once you’ve entered a minimum of five rounds of golf, the calculator kicks in and provides you with an accurate handicap!
IT’S FREE! Login and begin!
Simply click on the “calculate your handicap here” link on the top of all pages, sign in and begin. You can keep track, log back in and edit scores and more.
We’ll be in contact with all of the North Carolina courses next week and we’re hoping to get the word out that you can now use our unique tracking tool free 24/7! Tell your golfing buddies! Pass the word!
For Novice Golfers…
Your golf handicap is meant to measure how your game compares to a “scratch” golfer on any given course and allows golfers of different abilities to compete on an even playing field during match play and particularly at tournaments.
Recalculating your handicap every time you play can be time-consuming and annoying. Now you can keep it online conveniently and at no cost. If you’re a regular at any of the golf courses in North Carolina, tell your head pro and ask him to get the word out!
Click here to get started!> Free Golf Handicap Calculator